Join us at De Asset Administration Shell (AAS) Hackathon

Step into the world of advanced industrial digitisation!

Come to the De Asset Administration Shell (AAS) Hackathon on Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024 to discover the key to simple and standardised digitisation of industrial assets such as machines, instruments and sensors. AAS is the foundation for creating a ‘connected’ industry, making it as easy to connect industrial equipment as a printer in an office environment.

What is AAS?

De Asset Administration Shell (AAS) is a digital model that contains all the relevant information of a physical object or system. It acts as a universal interface that enables the exchange of data and instructions between different technological systems and platforms. This bridges the gap caused by various industry protocols and promotes standardisation of data exchange.

Programme Highlights:
  • Interactive Workshops: Design and test your own AAS models in our practical ‘sandbox’ environment, guided by experts from TNO and the OI4.0 Alliance.
  • Access to Essential Information: FESTO and FOCUS-On make specific assets and documentation available for your free use.
  • Managerial Insight Track: A parallel programme for managers on the integration and benefits of AAS in production processes.
Why participate?
  • Uniform Communication: AAS enables different machines and systems to communicate seamlessly with each other.
  • Rapid Integration: New assets can be effortlessly and quickly incorporated into existing production systems.
  • Increased Efficiency: Improve operational efficiency through standardised procedures that simplify asset lifecycle management.
  • In-depth Insights: Receive detailed and immediately applicable insights into production processes, leading to better decision-making.

Join this pioneering movement: We invite you to help shape the future of industrial automation. Together, we will set the standard for a streamlined, efficient and connected industrial working environment.

Register now to secure your spot and be part of the revolution in industrial digitisation. Your insights and innovations can fundamentally change the way industry works! Register at or via here

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